March 6, 2014

My new home absolutely bathes in light. I'm in love. It already feels like the most special home I've had. A place of peace. A place of dreams coming true.

Yesterday I made possibly the best tasting cake I have ever made. Today I got the first flowers here. Happy days.

(The pictures lie: boy, there's still so much to unpack and organize..)



200ml mulberries
200ml almond flour
good pinch of salt
1-3tbsp water, depending on how dry the mulberries are

175ml cashews, soaked overnight and rinsed
1 ripe banana
300ml blackcurrants
1-2tsp organic honey
vanilla powder
90 ml coconut oil, melted

blueberries for garnish

Grind mulberries in a food processor, add almond flour and salt and pulse a few times to mix. Add water while the food processor is running (you want a thick paste). Line the bottom of a springform tin (18-20cm) with baking paper and press the crust mixture firmly in the tin. Place the tin in the freezer to wait. Rinse food processor well. Blend cashews in the food processor until smooth and creamy. Add banana and mix. Add blackcurrants (it can be easier to add them in parts if they're frozen) and honey and vanilla and mix well. Last add melted coconut oil with the food processor running and mix until well combined and smooth. Taste and add more honey and/or vanilla if desired. Spread the topping evenly on the crust and freeze for an hour or two or until served. Remove from freezer 30 minutes prior to eating and top with blueberries.


  1. Voi mikä lattia. Oispa kiva nähä lisää kuvia sun kämpästä. Hyviä hetkiä uuteen kotiin!
    - Pauliina K.

    1. Niinpä! Kuvia laitan vielä :) En oo nyt jotenki halunnu postaa kuvia laatikkoläjistä niin kuvat on ollu nyt aika vähäisiä.. ;) Tossa ylemmäs kuvassa oli esimerkiksi se ainoo siisti ja viihtyisä kohta tossa vaiheessa, hih.
