I made rhubarb juice the other day and took some to Jessika yesterday. She inspires me so much with all her plants and herbs!
(makes about 3 liters, adapted from Leila Lindholm)1kg rhubarb
1500ml water
200-300ml sugar
(a squeeze of lemon juice)
Wash the rhubarbs and cut them into small pieces. Cook in water for 15 minutes without stirring (to keep the juice clear). Sift the rhubarbs from the liquid, add sugar and bring to boil. Let cool and bottle. Mix with water to taste (about half and half).
It's rhubarb season but I used last summers rhubarbs from the freezer. And made one batch with 100ml of coconut sugar and 200ml of organic cane sugar and one with just organic cane sugar and without the squeeze of lemon. Go for the sugar you like!
Ooh! Kumpa voisin maistella <3