May 26, 2013

I am not really into raw food but I do like eating things that are healthy and good for me and taste scrumptious. My roommate introduced me to raw chocolate back in the day and it was love at first sight. This is a new recipe I found when I accidentally bought a huge pack of cocoa mass in place of cocoa butter. I'm happy I did. These are amazing. (The recipe calls for ingredients that are rather expensive and some of them are only found in special stores, but trust me, getting them is worth it. In Helsinki you find everything for example in Ruohonjuuri.)


(makes about 40)

100g cocoa mass
100ml grated cocoa butter
100ml coconut oil
4-6tbsp organic honey
a good pinch of himalayan salt
200ml lucuma
1tbsp maca

Break cocoa mass into small pieces and melt in a bowl over hot water (bring the water to boil and then turn the heat off). Add grated cocoa butter and coconut oil and stir till they melt. Add honey and salt and whisk thoroughly. Whisk in lucuma and maca. Spoon the mixture into two ice cube trays and sprinkle coconut flakes on top. Place in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Store the chocolate in the fridge.


  1. Jes, tätä reseptiä toivoinkin :) Olivat silloin niin tajuttoman hyviä! <3


  2. Kuulostaa ja näyttää taivaalliselta! Ahh!

