April 25, 2013

It's finally getting warmer, how lovely! My jaw dropped this morning when I looked out the window and realized they'd put the table out in our backyard garden. I just had to have lunch outside. On Tuesday when I got to work the loveliest surprise was waiting for me there: Mr. Basil! (Jessika, you're a sweetheart.) To accompany it I planted some wild arugula; we'll see how that goes. And inspired by the warmth I made myself a pair of shorts from Helena's old jeans. New favorites!

Have a good Thursday folks!


  1. Mä tunnistin heti mun vanhat pökät :D Mä en ees muistanu et ne oli kulkeutunut sulle! hehe... love!

    1. Hih. Tästä postista seuraavana päivänä tein toisetkin shortsit vanhoista housuista, vaaleanpunaiset!
