March 24, 2013

Maija is one of my all time favorite models and this is one of my favorite portraits of her (shot on film, naturally). The picture is not posed at all: she was either moving in or out (I lived in the same house) and there we were sitting and talking in her empty apartment and I realized how beautiful the image was and said wait, I'll go get my camera.

I miss Maija and I would really like to see her growing tummy!


  1. Oh, kiitos. Taisin olla just muuttanut Vanharille ekaa kertaa. :)

    - M

  2. Heti kun mietin mun muuttoa ja kuvia kämpästä mitä otan niin jotenki muistelisin et tuli tämä kuva mieleen :) jännä. Jo ennen sen postausta.
    Filmi iskee. Ja nämä hetket mitä taltioit. aah. p.s balettitossut ovat täydelliset!
