Here's fudge number one in my quest for the perfect fudge recipe (that makes them taste like Marks and Spencer's Buttery Fudge a friend of mine brought from London last winter).
200ml raw sugar (mascobado)
300ml light cane sugar
75ml water
25ml golden syrup
60g butter
1 can condensed milk
Put sugar and water into a large heavy saucepan. Stir over low heat until the sugar has dissolved. Add butter and syrup and stil until the butter has melted. Add condensed milk and stir until it comes to the boil. Boil very slowly on low heat, stirring every minute or two, until soft ball stage (the mixture will darken to a deep caramel colour and will start to form sugary crystals on the sides, sounding like sand when you scrape it).
Remove from the stove and beat the fudge with a wooden spoon for 5-10 minutes until it starts to thicken. Pour into a 20x20 pan lined with a baking paper and leave to cool. Cut into squares when cold.
I beat mine for only 5 minutes and suspect that I stopped a little too early with the boiling; my fudge didn't quite form sugary crystals on the sides but since it had been boiling for quite some time already I was afraid of burning it. The fudge tasted really good but the texture was not what I was after; mine was soft and velvety but I want a darker taste and a sandier texture. I think I'll have a new go on this recipe and bravely let it boil longer and beat it for another 5 minutes and see if it gives me the Marks and Spencer's texture!
Hyviä olivat! Ei tehny Jukalla ätläkkyys tiukkaa, useempi uppos!
näyttää hyvältä! ja kuva aivan ihana!