January 15, 2015

Take it easy when you need to. (And to cure a flu: Rest, sleep, take it easy, drink lots of liquids, take naps, eat garlic, try this ginger turmeric honey from Green Kitchen Stories, read piles of books, cancel and forget all your plans, take it slow and rest some more.)

January 9, 2015


1) fresh hope
2) home-delivered lunch
3) my home (I've spent crazy much time at home lately but nevertheless I just love this place)
4) meeting Nora yesterday just before she flies back to Tansania
5) these banana peanut pancakes from Eeva Kolu I made the other morning to celebrate the new year a little

January 8, 2015

Christmas time in the north was cozy and white. It was 13 of us at at our parents place this year, four out of five of us siblings. I am so thankful for my family, such a great bunch! (I wish I had gone skiing but instead I took it really, really easy under blankets with a cold all Christmas. Luckily these sceneries were just 50 meters from the door where I could slowly venture.)