This is where I'm going. I'll listen to the wind play in the trees, make pancakes outside on the open fire and sleep in the yellow little house (the one in the picture is just the outhouse!) or one of the granaries. We'll also continue on our summer house project I suppose (and at least test the new sauna!) and I'll go check on how the red and black currants are doing after last summer's pruning. Read more about the summer house project from two years ago and from last summer. (It's my dad's old home we're slowly making into a family summer house.)
I have a radical feeling I'm leaving my camera at home for the trip (I'm still a little smitten with my new phone and its camera and how easy it is to bring everywhere) which means I won't be blogging until I come home again in some weeks. But welcome to follow me on Instagram! (And I'll also come to Oulu, let's get together sweethearts!)
Have a beautiful, blessed July peeps!