Three days in Berlin. I'd figured I'd have coffee at The Barn (best coffee in town) on one of the days but we actually ended up there on all three (and even got to participate in a cupping on Saturday)! Happy days.
I didn't have a long list of have-to's but Katies blue cat and Almond toffee crunch was one of them. And strolling along the canal. This was my first time in Berlin in the spring time and oh, how lovely and green and blossoming it was!

We were in town for our uncle's wedding so it was lots of good family time!
Roamers was a new find, and a good one! I had poached eggs and Bircher müsli for breakfast, yums. (That guy working there has officially got the coolest tattoos.)
The party was held at Hütten Palast, a funky, cozy hotel in Neukölln. I stayed in the Heartbreaker caravan (picture above).

The day after we went out for falafel (apparently the best in town) to Babel (Kastanienallee 33). I had falafel and baba ganoush. Oh my. Need to figure how to make such heavenly baba ganoush!

What a weekend. Such lovely, unexpected encounters. (Danke Schön.)