"In every place, all the time some stories happen. Just next to us, though usually we don't pay much attention to that. Places are filled with hundreds of emotions, thoughts, feelings. With joy, moments of carelessness, hope, laughter, sorrow, disappointment, despair. People meet, people part, people pass each other. Our ways are crossing. Are you sure that person you just met, you indeed see for the first time in your life? Maybe you already met, passed each other? Maybe you once touched his coat, felt ger smell? You don't remember this, but places do remember. Buildings, sculptures, trees, trains have been watching people for hundreds of years. How many people sat on this bench? How many kissed for the first time and how many for the last? How many emotions, thoughts, ideas were born here?"
Tanja Turpeinen/Memento Express
(Picture by Timo Hakkarainen, taken from Memento Express' facebook wall)
I went to see a performance tonight directed by a good friend of mine. It took place in an old railway carriage, beautifully and whimsically decorated. There was a perfect amount of drama, nostalgia, surprise, laughter and even tea and biscuits served. I cried through the songs and loved the painted view passing by our window. It was unlike any show I've seen, it was en embracing experience, a journey you took (I actually waited for the train to start moving as they announced it would be leaving) and lived through, remembering places and people. Thanks a million Tanja! I'm so proud of you and I love what pours out from your soul!
If you want to experience something very unique and beautiful, please go see this! (more info
This morning it was snowing as I cycled to work! I felt all exuberant (a word I've never used before but now it feels like just the right one) and sang Jingle bells and then had a very good time at work all day though there was a mad amount of laundry from yesterday's shows.