I've found myself loving and appreciating my family and roots in a new way lately (one of the good things that come with the age) and during these weeks here it has just deepened. We have spent good days in the country and here are some photos of our hoods and what we've achieved so far:
I love the short walk between
Ahola and Suojala (a small one room house where my dad was born and lived his first year. Mom and dad bought Suojala last summer. It's taken a lot of hard work and renovating as well but it's nearly finished!)
I love how the wind plays in the trees outside Suojala.
Here's the bedroom after I tore the plastic carpet and the hardboard layers away. Underneath awaited a very unpleasant surprise: a perfectly annoying layer of cement that grandpa had applied in order to even the plank floor (we assume it's the original floor from the 1800's).
It'll take lots of time and patience to scrape and wipe the floor clean of cement. But I can already see the floor shiny white, it'll be stunning!
Henna and Markus joined us one day and we had a blast. We worked on the bedroom pulling out hundreds of nails that had kept the hardboards on the floor, Henna ripped of the wallpapers and Markus pulled down the walk-in closet from the corner (I believe the beautiful heater next to it is happy about it). Thank you for your tremendous help!
I'm dreaming of a wallpaper with roses or something for the bedroom walls. The heater, I believe, will be painted white. (The lampshade was crocheted by mom back in the day. Wouldn't it be perfect for the loo?)
Mikko and dad started pulling down the paneled closets and walls from the foyer.
Here's the sauna before Markus tore the benches away.
There are three granaries that will be bedrooms (I love the old beds!). Me and mom used two nights to empty this one; boy it looks good now.
We created a habit of ending the day with pancakes.
I felt so sad driving home from Ahola for the last time this summer. I can't wait to get back to work! We've really just scratched the surface so far; there's a ton to do but I look forward to it and I really hope we all (sisters and brothers and families) will get to spend days and weeks together in Ahola next summer. I love the place.